Since it is very conducive

for health is
I have decided to be happy!


Our happiness Story

Do you know that? Someone asks you what you would really like to do. According to your absolute professional dream. And the question is: “What would you do if you knew exactly that it would work? No failure possible.”

We both remember that day as if it were today. It was November 1998. One of those clear days that we know well here. The air is cold and clear, the view far out into the country.

We had booked personal coaching with Karl Camper. And layer by layer we went deeper; past doubts – we followed the inspiring trail of our inner dreams. And landed. Arrived at the same point as man and woman.

We laughed, could hardly believe it – and yet! The gift of a shared dream was born. The dream of happiness. That was when our “Hotel des Glücks” was born.

Over the years, we have consistently and carefully transformed the house into what it is today. Our greatest gift is to share all of this with you – our guests.

Because there’s one thing we’ve learned more than anything else: the more happiness you give, the more you get. An open secret that only needs to be lived.

We wish you luck … and we look forward to you experiencing, experiencing and deepening this with us.

Petra and Ewald Haider
Host in the hotel of happiness