1st Station – Arch of Roses
“No rose without a thorn” – is the gateway to true happiness. Because this knows and embraces roses and thorns, happiness and apparent misfortune. Wanderer, if you walk through this arch, you enter the magical realm of unity. And your heart begins to feel.
First happiness – and then bliss. In here. In the now. In you.
“No rosa senza spina” – life whispers to you for the love of happiness.
2nd station – contemplation
Here is the second secret: “Happiness wants to be felt”. And if not in the body, where will you go to look for it? So take a seat, feel welcome and let yourself be protected by the ancient pear tree, which knows the flow of life in the face of the wise Danube.
The flow of the music. The common language of all people.
Happiness wants to be felt and heard – because happiness is the music of life.
3rd Station – The Five Tibetans
Life is soft and pliable. Only in death is it rigid and stiff. So breathe the movement into the body. And let the movement happen. There are five exercises that prolong life in the body.
They are simple – like everything great. They are light – like everything strong.
They are sustainable – like happiness.
If happiness moves in the body – then the soul has built its temple.
4th station – sounds in the wind
Happiness is like the wind. Unbelievable and yet so present. Invisible, and yet so present. Quiet, yet woven into a carpet of tones. The gift of happiness requires the high art of permeability. The wind chime must be hollow so that the tones fill the space.
So we too must be empty inside so that our song can be heard in the orchestra of life.
Happiness has a vibration of its own. It’s the vibration of joy.
5th station – paths to happiness
That’s weird. A paradox. Because although happiness is always there, always present, omnipresent – there are ways to happiness. The paths to happiness are endless – like the figure eight. Every path is different and yet every path is the same. Every path has a goal and yet is the goal at the same time.
What does that tell us? Happiness reveals our attitude.
It can be a long road – or endless moments of happiness.
6th Station – The Eye of Happiness
Water is a creature of two worlds. It is physical and spiritual at the same time. The water is the Tao, the eye of God, the origin of all life. “The human being can heal by the water” – wrote Freiherr von Goethe, prince among poets.
The water is a living being. Hence it sees.
It sees you with the water lily gaze in the radiance of happiness.
7th station – The colors of happiness
Seven is the master number of our three-dimensional world. You can now see through seven windows. (By the way, the seventh is the really big one, without a frame) Each time you see it differently – the same happiness… different. Doesn’t everything depend on the eye of the beholder?
But who is it that is looking?
Whose world is it that emerges from this?
Who is it that asks?
Fortunately, the answer lies in experience. Experiencing is understanding. look. Aha.
8th station – The table of happiness
The table of happiness is laid and yet free of imagination. This is the last of the great mysteries of happiness. Happiness cannot be understood because happiness is the flavor of life. We live, the whole gift is wrapped in it. The table is set.
Wanderer, you have arrived. And if not here – then where?
If not now then when?
If not with you – then with whom?
Inspiration and text by the incomparable bestselling author Karl Gamper.